Welcome to the Land of DiVine


Land Of Divine

Around the year 1000, Leif Ericsson, son of Erik the Red, discovered new territories in what nowadays is known as America. The land was rich in vines, so he named it Vinland. Our Vinland is not about the discovery of New Lands. It is about a journey, finding and understanding the flavours of the land of Wine!

Welcome to Vinland, the land of vine and wine! Vinland can be found almost everywhere vines grow. Although sometimes trapped by walls or fences, ideally it has no boundaries. The wine it gives us can travel inside a bottle or in the mind of the person who drinks it, and for this reason knows no limits. Ours is a journey through all these places! We invite you to join us.

Food and wine are natural friends and finding the right combination increases the pleasure that both give us. When we find wines and specialties that impress us, we like to share them with you. Together, we will discover the deep lasting bond that exists between the land, the plants and the man who cultivates them and draws their essence to be transformed into stimulating experiences for our senses. Every sip and every bite you take will contain these unique characteristics. And even though far away, it will feel like you are actually in these lands. You will taste, knowing where it comes from and who created it.

Wines and food bring fun and joy. They are not something that needs to be examined under the loop or the lense of a microscope, at least not by us! Proper wines have a life and soul. They change day by day. This being the case, we do not believe in ratings, from 1 to 100, stars or faces… we will try a bottle, and try it again in a different moment, at a different time and under different conditions and share with you our honest opinion, knowing that we have discarded already products of which we can not capture the soul.



Our Lands

Enjoy only

authentic wines